
2023年12月23日—OurPactPremium+:$9.99/monthor$99.99/annually*·AllfeaturesavailableinOurPactPremium·30daysofLocationHistoryData ...,Ifyou'relookingforaparentalcontrolappthat'sactuallyworthusing,youneedtomoveuptoPremiumfor$6.99amonth.Doingsoallowsyoutomanageupto ...,Whatyoudon'tgetwithPremiumislivelooksatyourchild'sscreen.Foraround$3morepermonth,yougetaccesstothisfeaturewiththePremium+package.,20...

Features & Pricing

2023年12月23日 — OurPact Premium+: $9.99/month or $99.99/annually* · All features available in OurPact Premium · 30 days of Location History Data ...

OurPact App Reviews

If you're looking for a parental control app that's actually worth using, you need to move up to Premium for $6.99 a month. Doing so allows you to manage up to ...

OurPact GPS Tracking Review

What you don't get with Premium is live looks at your child's screen. For around $3 more per month, you get access to this feature with the Premium+ package.

OurPact parental control app review

2024年2月15日 — The next step up is OurPact Premium, which costs $6.99 per month ($69.99 if paid yearly) and gives you support for up to 20 child devices, ...

OurPact 家長控制

使用OurPact 家長監護應用程式可以: • View – 使用自動化定時、隨時或相簿模式檢視子女線上活動,全部經過加密以保證安全。 • 應用程式阻擋– 只要輕觸按鍵,即可阻擋 ...

OurPact 最佳的家長控制4+

2024年4月25日 — OurPact 是一款評價最高且完善的螢幕時間家長監護應用程式、簡訊/應用程式/網站阻擋、家庭定位器,提供螢幕截圖可檢視您子女的線上活動。


OurPact is the most comprehensive parental control app & family locator, and is perfect for families of any size. OurPact offers flexible pricing solutions.


2017年6月18日 — OurPact亦新增了Premium的會籍,收費為每月收費港幣$38,提供了十分有用的「可用程序控制」(App Rule)及「每日使用時間限制」的功能(Screen Time ...